
Galizia results and plans

Galizia results and plans

RIS (italian lifting magazine) - June 2011

Galizia results and plans

After three years  since our first article on this Asti company, presenting their products and also following the development of  pick and carry cranes, we are now reviewing  with eng. Fabio Vercelli Galizia, Managing Director of the Company, the situation of their production of pick and carry electric and diesel cranes and also of their present and future plans.

“ As regards the main projects  we implemented, I wish to reaffirm  that our cranes G20, GK on trucks, G120 compact and F200 are all cranes that, under different points of view,  represented a turning point in the field of industrial pick and carry cranes .

We proposed as aim to ourselves to be pioneers in our sector and experiment new solutions, so we invested a lot in R&D and interaction with our clients’ needs .

Some of the innovations we made are now milestones in our design of pick and carry cranes, such as the installation of the electronic joystick, that allows boom precise and gradual movements, the study and application of the forward drive through 2 electric motors. Of course a special care has been always taken of  safety.

Thanks to the great success that F200 obtained on the national and international markets, the future see us well  determined to  extend the features that made this model  a  born winner on other cranes with lower or higher capacity.

In a short time we shall start the production of the F300 and F100 models, while is not far off the launch of a new innovative crane that will revolutionize the medium small crane range.

We take this opportunity to thank all the clients that during all these years  believed  in Galizia , in its products and in its philosophy,”

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